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Revised Agenda 09/29/2011
Notice of SPECIAL Meeting
You are hereby notified that the Salem Planning Board will hold a special meeting on
Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 7:00 pm at City Hall Annex, Room 313, 120 Washington Street
                                                                                        Charles M. Puleo,


  • Approval of Minutes
7/7/11 and 7/21/11  draft minutes

  • Continuation of Public hearing: Site Plan Review amendment at the request of MCDONALD’S CORPORATION for the property located at 1 TRADER’S WAY (Map 8, Lot 126), Salem MA. The proposed project includes a tandem drive-through, additions to the front and rear of the existing restaurant and changes to the façade and roof.
  • Old/New Business
  • Briefing: Urban Renewal Plan update
  • Adjournment

Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 39 §23B and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033.